Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Feeling my age

For the first time ever, I understand what it is to be limited by health. I'm not too limited, just very aware that I can no longer walk forever and I'm creaky and slow on stairs. It's not really a surprise. I'm taking medication that makes my joints ache and the doctor warned that I'd feel like a 90-year-old. I'm luckier than that and only feel about 80 or so, but I move like an old lady more often than I'd like. 

It's not all gloom and doom. Most days we walk about 3 to 5 miles, we take subways and buses, we bicycle, we wander. A little achiness definitely slows us down but hasn't yet made us compromise the way we like to travel. 

In addition, there are some real perks of this aging stuff. We're able to qualify for senior discounts now, at least when senior is defined as 62 and over. I wouldn't say that makes it all better but sometimes we celebrate a good coup, like our juicy discounts for train tickets. 

There is a take-home message here--this is a reminder to keep moving for as long as we possibly can. What are a few aches and minor complaints compared to the opportunity to see the fall colors or eat a lobster roll in Maine or visit Longfellow's home? We'll continue to travel until they have to roll me onto the train, and maybe even beyond that. 

I creaked up these steps to our apartment in Montreal several times a day, no problem. 

Climbed to the top of Mont Royal in Montreal--a 6-mile day. 

We're getting in some biking too. 




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