Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Blogging tantrums

If you are following this blog you may have noticed that all the blogposts so far have been written by Dale. And that today I finally completed my first post, a stale one almost two weeks old. There's a very simple explanation: blogging programs suck and I don't have the patience of St. Dale. 

In addition, Dale and I have major philosophical differences when it comes to blogposting. I have basic standards and expectations--photos should go where I tell them to go, fonts should behave, sentences should make sense--while Dale believes that it's only necessary to get the darn post up and who cares about the rest. It's a miracle we've reached our 35th anniversary. 

So I worked on that blogpost and the photos disappeared. Then I tried a few days later and the program crashed. I waited another week and, kicking and screaming (and cursing and sobbing), tediously put in all the photos yet again and the post showed up but the photos were missing. Once more with those photos that I've come to hate, and with Dale holding my hand and holding his breath, I finally got my first post up and published tonight, more than 3 weeks into the trip. Please don't tell me if you find any typos or grammatical errors, I don't want to know. Blogging is not compatible with a peaceful vacation.

1 comment:

  1. Not only is Laurie writing some blog posts now but she continues to take some of our best photos. We do have to pull them off her camera and onto her iPad before we can use them so they may show up later or in the icloud photo stream I set up with a link on our blog page. Check it out and let me know if that works.
    Also, for the record I do go back and 'correct" errors from time to time when "the spirit moves me".
    Saint Dale
